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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Answer: What's your favourite documentary?
Your answer
Answer: What's your favourite Youtube channel?
Your answer
Answer: What's your favourite cartoon?
Your answer
Answer: What's your favourite TV programme?
Your answer
Translate: Давай посмотрим новости!
Let's watch the news
Translate: Где пульт?
Where is the remote control?
Translate: Завтра я буду смотреть мультик
I will watch a cartoon tomorrow
Translate: Моя любимая тв программа это документальный фильм
My favourite TV programme is a documentary
How much/many money have you got?
How much/many passengers have you got?
How much/many suitcases have you got?
How much/many coins have you got?
How much/many time have you got?
How much/many pencils have you got?
How much/many luggage have you got?
What's this?
What's this?
Read: autumn
Read: August
Read: paw
Read: straw
Translate: В будущем я буду учителем
I will be a teacher in the future
Translate: Будут люди путешествовать на космическом корабле?
Will people travel by spaceship?
Translate: Будут ли люди есть нормальную еду?
Will people eat normal food?
Translate: В будущем я буду доктором
I will be a doctor in the future