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Grade 4/5 Science Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 adaptations of a bird.
hollow bones, wings, waterproof feathers, tail for changing direction
What habitat would a cactus grow in?
What habitat would a whale live in?
Name 2 adaptations of a polar bear.
thick fur, black skin, padded feet for warmth, sharp teeth
Name 2 adaptations of an owl.
claws, eyes to see at night, wings to fly, head turns all the way around
What are adaptations?
physical traits and behaviours that help plants and animals survive in their habitat
Name 2 different types of habitats.
forest, desert, wetlands, rainforest, arctic
What are the 5 things a habitat needs to support life?
air, water, food, space, shelter
Name 2 illnesses that affect the lungs.
asthma, Covid-19, pneumonia, a cold, diseases from smoking, lung cancer
What do the alveoli do?
they send oxygen into the blood then collect the carbon dioxide and send it out of the lungs
What does the diaphragm do?
it allows the lungs to get bigger when they fill with oxygen and helps push out the carbon dioxide
Name 2 parts of the respiratory system.
lungs, trachea, bronchi, alveoli, diaphragm
What is the function of the respiratory system?
to bring oxygen into the body and collect carbon dioxide and expel it from the body
Name 3 external organs.
skin, eyes, ears, nose, mouth
What is an external organ?
an organ on the outside of the human body
Name 3 internal organs.
stomach, liver, kidney, heart, lung, intestines, pancreas
What is an internal organ?
an organ on the inside of the human body
What is an organ?
a group of tissues that perform a function (job) in the human body
What is a cell?
the smallest functional and structural unit of every living thing
What is a habitat?
a natural home or community for a plant, animal or human