Edit Game
5th Grammar B4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say a sentence to describe the image using between.
The chairs are between the palm trees.
Direct object: My dad bought my mom some flowers for her birthday,
some flowers
Our room has some flowers on our door. Another guy's classroom has rabbits on (ours / theirs / his).
plural of glass
plural of party
Add a tag question: He won't hike alone,
will he?
Add a tag question: They saw a llama,
didn't they?
Add a tag question: They were on TV,
weren't they?
Combine the sentences: My new friends are Peruvian. They live in Peru. (use who, where, or whose)
My new friends are Peruvian who live in Peru.
Combine the sentences: This is Inti's Temple. This Temple is in Machu Picchu. (use that, where or who)
This is Inti's temple that is in Machu Picchu.
By the end of the week, she ______ the whole book. (future perfect / read)
will have read
The dog stays (across / in front of / between) the window all day.
in front of
She ____ at 10:00. (future progressive / sleep)
will be sleeping
My sister ____ 6 next Tuesday. (simple future / turn)
will turn
They are running (to the right / across / between) the street
Indirect object: I gave him some cookies.
Indirect object: He showed my cousin how to play tennis.
my cousin
Direct object: She gave us two balls to play.
two balls
Most cats climb trees but (our / ours / our's) don't.
plural of deer
plural of box