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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Learning foreign language is fun and difficult. (learning what)
Learning what is fun and difficult?
Everyone wants to see your new car. (what)
Everyone wants to see what?
He is interested in playing tennis. (what)
He is interested in what?
She is going to sell her old clothes. (to do what)
She is going to do what?
We are going to visit Pushkin museum next weekend. (what)
You are going to visit what?
People should sleep at least 6 hours to feel well. (how many hours)
People should sleep how many hours to feel well?
Painting is a good way to relax. (way to do what)
Painting is a good way to do what?
Swimming can help you improve your stamina. (subject)
What can help you to improve your stamina?
I want to take piano classes. (to do what)
You want to do what?
She travelled to Spain last autumn. (when)
She travelled to Spain when?
They decided to buy a new house? (what)
They decided to buy what?
I am very keen on horse riding. (what)
You are keen on what?
He said he saw an alien last month. (whom)
He said he saw whom?
We are watching a documentary on TV. (what)
You are watching what?
She goes swimming every weekend. (when)
She goes swimming when?
I always have banana sandwich for breakfast. (what)
You always have what?