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Executive Branch

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States with the most ability to influence a Presidential election are called ______ ______.
Swing States
The greatest power in Foreign Policy is given to the ________ ________.
Executive Branch
The power to declare war is a power given to ______ ________.
the Senate
NASA is an example of a _______ ______; an agency that is given extremely important public tasks to perform
Executive agencies
Regulatory Commissions __________. (what do they do?)
make rules for businesses and industries that affect the public interest
A large, complex administrative structure that handles the everyday business of an organization is called a _________.
The _________ has the power to approve the Presidents Cabinet appointments.
The Cabinet member that is the leader of the Justice Department is the _____ ______.
Attorney General
All Cabinet leaders are referred to as _______ except the leader of the Justice Department
The electoral college was set up by way of the _____ amemndment.
The minimum number of electoral votes a state can have is ____.
The electoral college voting numbers are determined by .........
One vote per representative and senator, plus 3 for D.C.
_____ is the magic number needed to win the Presidential Election.
The President is elected by way of the _______ _________.
Electoral College
The primary role of the Vice President is __________.
backup President
As Chief Agenda Setter, the President is responsible for ______________.
scheduling the agenda for the State of the Union address, determining policy initiatives of the government, setting the budget
Presidential Role that directs foreign policy and oversees foreign affairs information agencies; has power to make treaties
Chief Diplomat
The Presidential Role that allows the President to send troops over seas is the ____________ __ _____.
Commander in chief
The President helps raise party funds and plan campaign strategies as part of what role?
party leader
The President is required to speak to Congress every year by way of _________ __ ___ _______ ______.
State of the Union Address.
As _________ _________, the President promotes high employment, production, and purchasing power in the economy.
economic planner
as Chief Legislator, the President _________.
proposes legislation to Congress
which presidential role influences how laws are executed through executive orders, presidential appointments, removal of appointed officials, also grants pardons, reprieves, or amnesty?
Chief Executive
What does the role of "Head of State mean to the President?
represents the nation at ceremonial functions
Only President elected more than 2 times is ___________.
The _______ amendment determines what date the Presidential term ends on.
The Presidential term in office ends on what day?
Jan 20th
Which amendment limits the President's number of terms?
The _______ amendment established the order of Succession for the President.
The next 5 persons in the Presidential succession after the President are......?
V.P., Speaker of the House, President Pro Tempore, Sec. State, Sec Treasury
Only President to never be elected to the office is _________.
Which Presidents have been impeached?
Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump
The Legislative branch can override a Presidential veto by a ____ vote.
A ______ is a power the President has over the Legislative Branch.
How many terms can the President serve?
The president of the Senate is the _______ _______.
Vice President
You must be _______ years old to be the President.
_________ _________ are commands given to federal agencies.
Executive Orders
The Executive Branch is outlined in what article of the Constitution?
The President can serve for a maximum of ______ years.
The president serves a _______ year term.
The Executive Branch includes the office of the president and what other pieces?
President's Cabinet, Ambassadors
3 requirements to be President are....
1. Natural born citizen 2. 35 years old 3. resident of US for 14 years