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Easter Traditions
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Kids can decorate their own bonnets with bunny ears, chickens, eggs, chocolate, or flowers!
Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States
There is an egg roll at the White House every Easter Monday at the White House.
Children dress up as Easter witches and wear old clothes, walk around their neighborhoods and ask for candies.
Natives light large bonfires called Easter Fires on Easter Sunday and Monday.
Northwestern Europe
People fly homemade kites on Good Friday.
People decorate trees or flower bouquets with painted Easter eggs. 
On Good Friday they will carry huge crosses on their backs while walking the same path Jesus did.
Boys throw water over girls and spank them with willow branches.
Boys decorate willow branches with ribbons, run through the town and whip girls for luck and fertility with them
Czech Republic
People cover the streets in colourful carpets made out of flowers, fruits, vegetables and sawdust!