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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the meaning of TAKE IN?
To understand, to absorb.
She startled her sister by ___________ on her and shouting "Boo!"
creeping up / slowing down / coming up with / calling on
What's the meaning of START UP?
To start a new business, to turn a machine on.
What's the meaning of CUT BACK?
To spend less, do less, or use less of something.
What's the meaning of SLOW DOWN?
To reduce one's speed.
What's the meaning of GO THROUGH?
To have an unpleasant experience.
He _______ the car ______ for problems.
headed out / worked out / run out of / checked over
What's the meaning of HEAD OUT?
To leave, start a journey.
What's the meaning of END UP?
To finally be in a particular place or situation.
We ___________ a trip to Japan this year.
wiped out / ruled out / took in / turned into
What's the meaning of COME UP WITH?
To suggest or think of an idea or plan.
What is the meaning of CARRY sth OUT?
To do something that somebody instructs you to do.
Caterpillars __________ butterflies very quickly.
head out / turn into / come up with / call on
What's the meaning of WORK OUT?
To solve a problem, find the answer to a question.
What's the meaning of SET UP?
To start or do something that requires organization
Animals in the poles could be __________ by global warming.
headed out / taken in / turned into / wiped out
I ____________ of salt. I need to buy more.
died out / ran out / cut back / slowed down
The dinosaurs ________ million years ago.
wiped us out / died out / ended up / went through
What's the meaning of SUM UP?
To give the main or important points of something.
I'm struggling fixing my car. I'll have to ___________ the mechanic so he can help me.
turn into / call on / sum up / check over
What's the meaning of SET OUT?
To start organising a plan.