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TCAP 4th Grade Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Of all of Jan's socks, 2/6 are blue. The rest of her socks are green or pink. Which expression could represent the fraction of Jan's socks that are green or pink?
2/6 + 2/6 OR 3/6 + 1/6
6 4/7 = ?
5 2/4 = ?
19/6 = ?
3 1/6
12/6 = ?
43/7 = ?
6 1/7
14 x 6/7 = ?
84/7 or 12
9 x 3/5 = ?
27/5 or 5 2/5
6 4/6 - 3 1/6 = ?
3 3/6 or 3 1/2
2 1/3 + 5 2/3 = ?
22/15 - 17/15 = ?
11/6 + 2/6 = ?
Jerry is making cookies. Each recipe calls for 4/5 a cup of sugar. How many cups of sugar will he need to make the recipe 3 times?
12/5 or 2 2/5
True or False? 196.14 = 196.14
True or False? 0.56 < 0.57
True or False? 0.30 > 0.3
Draw a number line that represents the fraction 4/7.
answers will vary
What is the perimeter of a yard with a length of 14 feet and a width of 12 feet?
52 feet
What is the area of a yard with a length of 14 feet and a width of 12 feet?
168 feet squared
Draw a RIGHT triangle.
answers will vary
Name three prime numbers.
answers will vary
What is the decimal that matches the fraction 1 5/10?
What is the decimal that matches the fraction 76/100?
What is the decimal that matches the fraction 8/10?
0.8 or 0.80
Name two expressions that equal 7/4.
answers will vary
How much water, in cups, was left all together?
2 1/2 or 2 4/8
Max has 185 ounces of dog food. He feeds his dog 5 ounces of food a day. What is the maximum number of days that Max can feed his dog with the dog food he has?
What is 3,254 rounded to the nearest HUNDRED.
How do you write this number in expanded form: 15,684.
What is the standard form of this expanded number: 200,000 + 40,000 + 5,000 + 10 + 8
Stacy wrote a number. In the number, the value of 4 is 10 times the value of the number 4 in 1,745. Tell me a number that meets that rule.
answers will vary
A number pattern starts with 8. It follows the rule add 4. What is the 6th number in the pattern?
What does it mean when a number is composite?
It has more than one equation that equals that number.
What does it mean when a number is prime?
It only has one equation that equals that number.
Which number is a multiple of 9? Choices: 3, 19, 45, or 32
There are 46 Cheetos in a bag. Mason eats 14 of them. He then gives an equal number of all the remaining Cheetos to each of his 4 friends. What number of Cheetos does Mason give to each friend?
Sarah brought candy to school. She has 2 cherry flavored, 10 grape, and 8 orange. What is a statement you could make comparing her flavors of candy?
She has 5 times as many grape as cherry. OR, She has 4 times as many orange as cherry. OR, Combined she has 20 pieces of candy.
There are 36 books on the bottom shelf of a bookcase. That is 4 times as many books as are on the top shelf of the bookcase. How many books are on the top shelf?
5 times as many as 10 is ______. What number goes in the blank to make the sentence true?
72 is 9 times as many as ______. What number goes in the blank to make the sentence true?