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Memory Gold Experience C1 UNIT 1

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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That smell ______ __ _______ and I remembered my days back in school.
triggered a memory
We returned to our native town for a ______ ____ memory lane.
trip down
Before you ask for a raise, __________ in mind that the company isn't doing well financially right now.
There hasn't been a blizzard like this in many years, at least not that I can ____________
When the phone rang, it derailed my ________ of thought . I totally forgot what I was talking about.
I meant to buy some milk, but it completely __________ my memory.
If my memory _________ me right he was called Brian.
He had a highly __________ memory and was able to remember most of the info he was given..
My __________ memory from when I was a child is of being taken to the park and feeding the ducks.
When he told me what happened he was able to repeat the speech ____ __ _____
word for word
I have very ________ memories of living in the country. It was such a nice and relaxed way of life.
The day you were born got ______ to my memory. I could never forget what it felt like to hold you for the first time.
She can't stop thinking about her ex-boyfriend. She finds it impossible to _______ ___ the memories.
block out
She reread her notes to __________ her memory. And be ready to give her talk.
When we were at school we had to _________ a lot of poems to memory.
Something about what he said _________ my memory