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can vs can't

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I .............................
I can't skateboard.
The boy and girl................................... very well.
The boy and girl can't dance. very well.
My sister ............................... . She is very little.
My sister can't ride a bike. She is very little.
My brother ............................... very well.
My brother can skateboard very well.
They .................................................... very well.
They can't sing very well.
I ................... go out today because it's very cold and I am sick.
I can't go out today because it's very cold and I am sick.
My mom .................................... very well.
My mom can cook very well.
These girls ................................... well.
These girls can play football well.
My boss ................................... many songs
My boss can sing. many songs
Peter _________..........
Peter can dive into water
Sam ................................... today because he feels sick.
Sam can't draw pictures today because he feels sick.
Pam ...................................
Pam can't play basketball
He ..................................... catch fish
He can't catch fish
Mr.Joes ............ ride a horse. well.
Mr.Joes can ride a horse well
Joshua ..................do rafting. because it is very difficult.
Joshua .can't do rafting because it is very difficult.
Mary ..............play the violin very well.
Mary can very well.