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Food around the world

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe the origin and how it tastes.
Mattak is a greenlandic food. It is tasteless and chewy for sure.
Describe the origin and how it tastes.
Rendang is from West Sumatra. One of the most decent cuisines in the world. It is spicy, temping, and so appealing.
Describe the origin and how it tastes.
Ramen is originally from Japan. It is the most decent and flavorsome noodle in the world. Very slurpy and has rich broth.
Describe how it tastes and how it is made.
Natto: It is salty, tangy, steal and tastes almost like rotten bean beacuse it is fermented.
Describe the origin and how it tastes.
Taco is originally from Mexico. It is spicy, savory, crunchy.
Describe the origin and how it tastes.
Pina Colada is from Puerto Rico. It is creamy, fruity, sugary, and flavorful. It has a very summery taste.
Describe the origin, the taste and how it is made.
Mendoan: It is originally from Banyumas. It is savory and greasy. Mostly half fried.
Describe how it taste?
Kimchi: It is sour and very tangy. Having a very strong taste because it is fermented.