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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mrs Jones is very quiet. Mrs Smith is louder.
Mrs Jones is not as loud as Mrs Smith
The impala runs 90km per hour. The cheetah runs 120km per hour.
The impala doesn´t run as fast as the cheetah
Ciudad Real is not very beautiful. Seville is more beautiful.
Ciudad Real is not as beautiful as Seville
Mary isn't a reliable person. Peter isn't a reliable person either
Mary is as reliable as Peter / Mary is as unreliable as Peter
Tom ordered the cheapest item on the menu. Sam also ordered the cheapest item on the menu
Tom order an item on the menu as cheap as Sam.
I was richer than my neighbours.
You are more polite than Tom.
My suitcase isn't as heavy as Tom's.
My suitcase is ligther than Tom´s / Tom's suitcase is heavier than mine
Tom said doing that was more difficult than he expected.
Tom said doing that wasn´t as easy as he expected.
The fracture was less serious than we thought.
The fracture wasn't as serious as we thought.
Tom and Mary aren't as young as they say they are.
Tom and Mary are older than they say.
Prison food isn't as bad as I expected.
Prison food is better than I expected.
My salary isn't as high as you think.
My salary is lower than yours / your salary is higher than mine.
Your pen is better than mine
My pen isn't as good as yours.
Tom can swim much faster than Mary.
Mary can’t swim as fast as Tom
John is 1 metre 80cms tall. Dave is 1 metre 80cms tall.
John is as tall as Dave.
John is not very clever. Mary is cleverer.
John is not as clever as Mary.
The first exam was difficult. The second exam was difficult too.
The first exam was as difficult as the second exam
The red car is more expensive than the blue car.
The blue car is not as expensive as the red car.
The first dish was delicious, but the second one was excellent
The first dish was not as delicious as the second one.Â