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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Exercise 2_Pg 128) Classify the words containing the sound /g/ and /k/: guest, classical, culture, graduate, capture
/g/: guest, graduate || /k/: classical, culture, capture
(Exercise 2_Pg 128) Classify the words containing the sound /g/ and /k/: coffee, black, golden, gradual, government
/g/: golden, gradual, government || /k/: coffee, black
(Exercise 2_Pg 128) Classify the words containing the sound /g/ and /k/: give, guess, country, count, bike
/g/ give, guess || /k/: country, count, bike
(Exercise 1_Pg 128) Listen and fill the gaps: 5. You don't ................. ................. in your tea, do you? I do, in .................. 6. It's only 7 o’clock and it’s already .................. 7. Listen and .................
5. take milk, in fact / 6. dark / 7. check
(Exercise 1_Pg 128) Listen and fill the gaps: 1. Shall we .................? 2. I came by .................. 3. When you go out, ................. the .................. 4. I'm going to buy a new ................. tomorrow.
1. walk / 2. bike / 3. take the dog / 4. desk
(Check-up 2_Pg 128) Complete the words: 8. /ˈkreɪən/ 9. /ˈnævɪɡeɪt/ 10. /əˈkaʊnt/
8. crayon / 9. navigate / 10. account
(Check-up 2_Pg 128) Complete the words: 5./ˈkʊkər/ 6. /rɪˈmɑːrkəbl/ 7./ɡoʊt/
5. cooker / 6. remarkable / 7. goat
(Check-up 2_Pg 128) Complete the words: 1./ɡræb/ 2./ɡɪr/ 3./ˈkɪtʃɪn/ 4./ˈdɑːrkən/
1. grab / 2. gear / 3. kitchen / 4. darken
(Check-up 1_Pg 127) Classify the words containing the sound /g/ and /k/: king, grand, garden, guarantee, golden
/k/ king, /g/ grand, garden, guarantee, golden
(Check-up 1_Pg 127) Classify the words containing the sound /g/ and /k/: technique, candy, occasion, cookies, guide
/g/: guide, /k/: technique, candy, occasion, cookies
(Activity 3_Pg 127_question 2) Well, who doesn't? I often occupy my days off indulging watching comedy TV shows with my family. It's our /juːˈniːk/ way of hanging out tog_ther.
unique, together
(Activity 3_Pg 127_question 1) I go running every /ˈwiːkend/. It's my favorite form of exercise as I don't need to und_rg_ training. Furthermore, running is a good way to maintain my health and relieve stress after w_rk.
weekend, undergo, work
(Activity 2_Pg 127_Sentence 3) Choose all the words containing /g/ sound: Guitar lessons with an instructor can be expensive and it can be frustrating if you’re not seeing progress immediately.
guitar, progress
(Activity 2_Pg 127_Sentence 2) Choose all the words containing /g/ sound: With many attempts to learn the guitar, it is unfortunately very common for beginners to give up after only a couple of months.
guitar, beginners, give
(Activity 2_Pg 127_Sentence 1) Choose all the words containing /g/ sound: Whether you’re young or old, there’s no better feeling than learning to play an instrument.
(Activity 1_Page 126) Choose all the words containing /k/ sound: noodle, coconut, sky, genre, countable
coconut, sky, countable
(Activity 1_Page 126) Choose all the words containing /k/ sound: candle, gate, pain, calculate, general
candle, calculate
(Activity 1_Page 126) Choose all the words containing /k/ sound: negative, notebook, shiny, gadget, back
notebook, back