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Can, Can't, Have to, Don't have to

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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DO YOU HAVE TO / CAN YOU TO take the bus at 6am?
Do you have to
DOES / CANS she have to study today?
CAN / HAVE the girls play hockey here?
You CAN / CAN’T run in the hall. It’s prohibited.
My father HAS TO / DON’T HAVE TO travel a lot
has to
Tom HAVE / HAS TO make a cake for his grandmother’s birthday.
has to
My parents can’t go to Italy this summer. They HAVE TO / CAN’T TO work.
have to
He HAVE TO / HAS TO water the plants.
has to
Mary CAN’T / HAS TO go to the cinema. She has to look after her sister.
The kids CAN’T TO / CANNOT paint the walls.
You HAVEN’T TO / DON’T HAVE TO clean your bedroom.
don’t have to
You DOESN'T HAS TO / DON’T HAVE TO cook tonight.
don’t have to
Michael CAN TO / HAS TO study for a test.
has to
You DON’T HAVE TO / HAVE TO come to the party. It’ not necessary.
don’t have to
They CAN'T / HAS TO eat in classes.
Lily CAN / CAN'T walk to school alone.