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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the words: 6. /jel/ 7. /jɑːrd/ 8. /mjuːˈziːəm/
6. yell 7. yard 8.museum
Complete the words: 3./ˈwʌndərfl/ 4. /əˈweɪ/ 5. /twelv/
3. wonderful 4. away 5. twelve
Complete the words: 1. /ˈwiːkend/ 2. /jʊr/
1. weekend 2. your
4. I eat special foods on special occasions like birthday parties, ………………….and ………………….. Even on small and simple gatherings, there are special foods too.
weddings, New Year
3. Well, I can say, lunch is my main meal. I ………….skip breakfast and I just have light dinner.
2.Who does the cooking in ……… family? My mom does. Sometimes my older sister cooks for dinner. On ………………., I sometimes cook too.
your, weekends
1. Oh …….., I love to cook. Honestly, I don’t think I can cook very …… but I …………. try my best. I consider it………of my hobbies. (always, your, well, yes, usually, New Year, one, weekends, weddings)
yes, well, always, one
My mother almost /ˈɔːlweɪz/ did the cooking /wen/ I was /jʌŋ/ . I don't think she trusted my father to make a nice meal.
always, when, young
/jes/, I think it's important to be active, and /ˈwɔːkɪŋ/ is the most basic physical activity that /wiː/ can do.
yes, walking, we
Choose the words having /j/ sound (3 words): "He asked the salesman how long he had used a yo-yo. The man told him he had practiced since he was eight years old."
used, yo-yo, years
Choose the words having /j/ sound (2 words): "He wanted to learn how to use the yo-yo like that."
use, yo-yo
Choose the words having /j/ sound (2 words): "The man was performing a lot of unique tricks while Sawyer watched in amazement."
unique, Sawyer
Choose the words having /j/ sound (4 words): "Yesterday when Sawyer was with his dad looking at used cars for sale, he saw one of the salesmen playing with a yo-yo."
Yesterday, Sawyer, used, yo-yo
Choose the words that have /w/ sound: 2. They 4. Leave 6. Weather 8. View 10. Winter
6. Weather 10. Winter
Choose the words that have /w/ sound: 1. week 3. warm 5. white 7. language 9. shadow
1. week 3. warm 5. white 7. language