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Changing Lives for 50

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A person or organization that takes out a loan from a bank under an agreement to pay it back later, typically with interest.
Complete the idiom: Finders keepers...
losers weepers
How does Sylvia repond to skeptics who say that poor people are not likely to repay a debt?
"We respond by publicizing the facts."
Synonym: destroy
Wiped out
Is it true that most microcredit borrowers are women?
What is 1 advantage of microfinance?
It is proving to be an effective tool to ease the poorest of the poor out of poverty.
[ˈkɑtɪʤ ˈɪndəstriz]: _____________
cottage industries
[ˌoʊvərɪkˈstɛndəd]: __________
A remedy for all ills or difficulties is a ___________.
Sylvia Otero mentions 4 themes set forth by the international microfinance movement. Mention 1.
1. Empower women. 2. Reach the very poor. 3. Build sustainable incomes and inst. 4. Create positive, measurable impact.
Sylvia Otero mentions 4 themes set forth by the international microfinance movement. Mention 1.
1. Empower women. 2. Reach the very poor. 3. Build sustainable incomes and inst. 4. Create positive, measurable impact.
And then I became an ______ _______, an activist for the poor as well as the founder and CEO of Transformation International.
overnight success
Our thousands of microcredit success stories disprove the _____ of poor people as unmotivated and a credit risk.
Mission: Build financially stable and _____ incomes and institutions.
What is microfinance?
Type of banking service provided to unemployed or low-income individuals or groups who otherwise would have no other access to financial services.