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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is the movie theater next to the hotel.
Yes, it is next to the hotel.
Is the mall next to the zoo?
No, it is not next to the zoo.
Is the park on the corner of 1st Street and 3rd Street?
Yes, it is on the corner of 1st Street and 3rd Street.
Is the restaurant between the bank and the post office?
Yes, it is between the bank and the post office.
Is the mall next to the hospital?
Yes, it is next to the hospital.
Is the the cafe next to the mall?
No, it is not next to the mall.
Is the mall across from the zoo?
Yes, it is across from the zoo.
Is the mall next to the cafe?
No, it is not next to the cafe.
Is the library across from the hotel?
Yes, it is across from the hotel.
Is the park across from the movie theater?
No, the park is not across from the movie theater.
Is the park between the the hotel and the movie theater.
No, it is not between the hotel and the movie theater.
Is the movie theater next to the hotel?
Yes, it is next to the hotel.
Is the bus stop on the corner of Peter Street and Joy road?
No, it is not on the corner of Peter Street and Joy road.
Is the museum on Peter Street?
Yes, it is on Peter Street.
Is the hospital onCockroach road?
Yes, it is on cockroach road.
Is the supermarket on Cockroach road?
No, it is not on Cockroach road.