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Water cycle

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Temperatures in the atmosphere .................... with increasing altitude.
The water cycle is the continuous movement of water between Earth’s surface and the air. ( True - False)
A large fraction of Earth’s water is usable fresh water. ( True - False )
The process in which liquid or solid water falls to the ground is called _____
What provides the energy that powers the water cycle?
The sun
………………………… is the process when gas turns to a liquid.
………………………….. is the process of liquid such as water turning to gas.
......................... are areas of permeable sediment or rock that hold significant amounts of water.
What are the three states of water in Earth’s system?
Ice - liquid water - water vapor
Water vapor is released by plants through their leaves. This process is called.....................
A........................ is made up of water droplets or ice crystals that are so small they remain suspended in the air.
During cellular respiration human release ………………… and ……………………. in the atmosphere.
Carbon dioxide and water vapor
Earth is often called the …………………………. because so much of its surface covered with water.
Blue planet
Water that run downhill to the streams and rivers are called ……………………
Water that lies below the ground is called ……………………..
Ground water
Storage areas of water are called ……………………….
The different forms of precipitation are ……………… and ……………….
Snow - Hail - Rain
What's the name of the process in the picture ?( Evaporation - Condensation - precipitation )
What's the name of the process in the picture ? ( Evaporation - Condensation - Precipitation )
What's the name of the process in the picture ? (Evaporation- condensation - precipitation )