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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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12 -How do you feel when someone shows you appreciation for your hard work?
11 -What occurs when people don't respect each other's opinions?
10 -What happens if we don't show empathy towards others in need?
9 -How will your relationship with your friend change if you show them more appreciation?
8 -What will occur if we don't respect our coworkers' ideas and suggestions?
7 -What will happen if we fail to show empathy towards someone going through a tough time?
6 -How will people feel if they receive appreciation from someone they admire?
5 -What will occur if we don't respect other people's differences?
4 -What will happen if we continue to show empathy towards others?
3 -How do people feel when they receive appreciation from someone?
2 -What occurs if we don't respect other people's boundaries?
1 - What happens when someone shows empathy towards others?