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Science- States of Matter and Electricity

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a property of a basketball?
1 of: opaque, somewhat hard, no viscose, not soluble
Describe the harness of a diamond
A diamond is extremely hard
Describe the solubility of rubbing alcohol
Rubbing alcohol is soluble
Describe the transparency of milk
Milk is opaque
Describe the viscosity of honey
Honey has high viscosity
What is hardness?
How easily an object changes shape
What is transparency?
How well light passes through an object (if you can see through an object)
What is viscosity?
How easily a (resists) flowing.
What is solubility?
How easily a substance dissolves in a liquid
Which has greater mass, a bag of feathers or a bag of rocks?
Which has greater volume, a dog or a cat?
I have two squares that weigh the same, but the first is bigger. Does it have more mass or volume?
I have 2 triangles that are the same size, the first triangle is heavier. Does the first triangle have more mass or volume?
What is volume?
The amount of space an object takes up
What is mass?
the amount of matter in an object or how tight the particles are packed
Powerlines to a house is _______ electricity
When a balloon sticks to a wall, that is ______ electricity.
What is a circuit? What parts does it have (2)?
a path for electricity. It needs a power source and a load
What is current electricity?
Flowing electricity
What is static electricity?
A stationary (not moving) charge
What are four things that use battery power?
phone, remote, toys etc.
What are three ways you use electricity outside?
radio, electric cars, electric toys etc
Name three power sources
coal, natural gas, wind, water, solar etc
Can energy be created or destroyed?
What are three things that use electricity?
Hair dryer, TV, fridge, computer, radio, lights etc
What are the three states of matter?
gas, liquid, solid
How many states of matter are there?