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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does Nancy have in her hand?
a smiley face sticker
Which words are verbs?
help, point, smile
to, and, in
she, he, they
Which words are nouns?
fan, sunglasses, pinwheels
rude, mean, friendly
sell, cry, juggle
Which words are adjectives?
boring, ashamed, sorry
ran, smiled, fainted
cheek, nugget, tray
What do you call a person who buys at the store?
Look closely, what does the menu say?
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Name 3 things in this picture:
pedal, brake, wheel, chicken nugget, shoe
What does Nancy and Chuck's restaurant sell?
Who felt guilty in the video and why?
Nancy! Good explanation.
Why did Chuck lose his job?
restaurant went out of business
the chicken was yucky
they had no chicken
Who is the serious character in the story?
The Boss
What did Nancy get at her performance review?
all of the above
a new uniform
hand shake
a promotion
What did Nancy make?
It was a hot summer day and Nancy __________.
got sick
Can you name 3 things in this picture of Chuck?
sunglasses, fan, chicken hat, uniform
How does Nancy feel?
Why was Nancy jealous of Chuck?
because he had more customers
because he had a better hat
What sign was Nancy afraid of?
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In the beginning of the story, how would you describe Nancy?
rude and mean
nice and friendly
cute and funny
Who are the 2 main characters of the story?
Nancy and Chuck