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EF upper-inter Unit 5-6

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I feel ________ after that lecture. I think I’ll write my essay this afternoon. A inspired B inspire C inspiring
A inspired
I sometimes feel ________ when the weather is bad. A depressed B depresses C depressing
A depressed
I was ________ when I found out that Annie had resigned from her job. A shocked B shocks C shocking
A shocked
Peter’s job is extremely ________ and he has to work such long hours. A stressing B stressed C stressful
C stressful
Were you ________ when Jim said that he didn’t think he needed you to come? A offending B offended C offend
B offended
It was ________ to have to admit that I didn’t know the answer. A embarrassed B embarrassing C embarrass
B embarrassing
You looked absolutely ________ when you heard the news. A stunning B stun C stunned
C stunned
These days my feelings of frustration often ________ me. A overwhelmed B overwhelming C overwhelm
C overwhelm
not knowing what to do or say because of strong emotion A amazed B desperate C overwhelmed
C overwhelmed
very pleased A grateful B delighted C glad
B delighted
bored or unhappy A upset B fed up C exhausted
B fed up
very glad that a problem has been solved A relieved B disappointed C shocked
A relieved
very surprised A thrilled B astonished C delighted
B astonished
very angry A miserable B devastated C furious
C furious
ery surprised by some unexpected news A furious B stunned C confused
B stunned
sad because of not enough social contact A homesick B offended C lonely
C lonely
Don’t you sometimes wish you ________ work? A wouldn’t have to B wouldn’t C didn’t have to
C didn’t have to
I wish I ________ smaller feet – it’s difficult to find shoes my size! A had B would have C didn’t have
A had
We wish we ________ to the same place as you on holiday. It sounds fantastic. A ’d gone B went C would go
A ’d gone
I wish I ________ the guitar. I’d love to play some of my favourite songs. A had played B could play C would play
B could play
I wish I ________ to that new restaurant. The food was very disappointing. A wouldn’t have gone B hadn’t gone C didn’t go
B hadn’t gone
I wish my room ________ so small! It’s difficult to keep it tidy. A weren’t B wouldn’t be C isn’t
B wouldn’t be
You’d have understood if you ________ when he explained it all. A were listening B ’d been listening C listened
B ’d been listening
If you hadn’t annoyed Liz so much, she ________ rude to you. A hadn’t been B wouldn’t have been C wouldn’t be
B wouldn’t have been
We wouldn’t have missed the flight if we ________ on time. A had left B would have left C left
A had left
I ________ Susan if I’d arrived ten minutes later. A hadn’t met B wouldn’t have met C didn’t meet
B wouldn’t have met
Bob’s very shy. If you didn’t know him, you ________ he was unfriendly. A might think B thought C ’ll think
A might think
If I ________ you, I wouldn’t buy that house. A am B was C were
C were
I wouldn’t go mountaineering if I ________ enjoy it so much. A wouldn’t B didn’t C don’t
B didn’t
If I ________ feeling so tired, I’d finish painting the room now. A wasn’t B wouldn’t be C ’m not
A wasn’t
We’d go by bike unless it ________. A rains B would rain C rained
C rained
If I ________ tomorrow, I’d definitely come surfing with you. A didn’t work B wasn’t working C ’m not working
B wasn’t working