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Communism/ Socialism

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the Principles of Utility?
Act & Rule Utilitarianism
TRUE or FALSE: Men became more employed due to the Labor Laws
who believed that the government should work for the good of all its citizens including women, children, and men regardless of their social status.
John Stuart Mill
who worked to improve the conditions of others and did not feel business should be left to operate alone?
Name the 3 Natural Laws
Law of Economics, Competition, Supply & Demand
Employers could not hire children under what age?
9 years old
What is the Ten Hours Act?
a limit of 10 hour work days for women and children.
What is Collective Bargainin?
Process of negotiation between management and union representatives
What is Utilitarianism?
Belief that a law was useful if it led to “the greatest happiness of the greatest number” of people
Name the four derived versions of Marxism
stalinism, Leninism, Trotskyism, Maoism
Name 2 books that Karl Marx Wrote
Communist Manifesto & Das Kapital
What is authoritarian socialism
Followers believed that violent revolution was the only way to get rid of capitalism and set up governments that owned factors of production
Name two ways oil was used during the 1500s & 1600s
Lubricating Machines, Kerosene lighting and heating
What is Democratic Socialism
Political system in which the government takes over the means of production
What is Proletariat
Name given by Karl Marx to the working class