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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What type of film is this?
Teen film
What type of film is this?
Adventure, Sci-fi.
Can a film have more than one genre?
Yes, it can!
What type of film is this?
Tangled is an animated adventure and fantasy film.
Describe a Crime film.
A film where there's a criminal and they try to capture him/her.
In this film, the characters like to sing about their feelings and the situation.
A musical.
Describe a Sci-Fi movie.
A movie in the future with advanced technology (and sometimes aliens).
This type of movie has got characters on a mission in dangerous situations.
This type of movie has got things like fairies, elves, mermaids, princesses, dragons...
Name 1 horror movie.
Your own answers.
Name two comedy movies.
Your own answers.
This type of film makes you laugh.
What's the difference between a thriller and a horror movie?
A thriller makes you feel excited and a horror movie makes you feel scared
Describe a historical film
A historical film is a film where the main characters are in the past and talk about real past situations.
This type of film genre has got teenagers in a high school who have typical teenage problems (boyfriend problems, parent problems...).
Teen film.