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Maths: Review Unit 15 and 16

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which bus from Ourtown should I take if I need to arrive at Riverton by 13:15 to meet a friend?
Bus B (12:32)
If it is 00:15 in Manila, what time is it in Abu Dhabi?
20:15 or 8:15pm
If it is 20:45 in Omsk, what time is it in Lagos?
3:45pm or 15:45
If it is 1pm in Cape Town, what time is it in Sydney?
10pm or 22:00
What is the time difference in hours between Quito and Lagos?
5 hours (+)
What is the time difference in hours between New York and Alcapulco?
2 hours (-)
12 x 0.8
0.3 x 6
8 x 0.9
0.6 x 7
5 x 0.2
1.0 or 1
3/5 : 6
3/5 x 6 = 3/30 1/10
5/9 : 9
5/9 x 9 = 5/81
3/5 : 5
3/5 x 5= 3/25
1/8 : 3
1/8 x 3 = 1/24
3 x 7/8
21/8 or 2 and 5/8
6 x 2/4
12/4 = 3
2 x 5/9
10/9 or 1 and 1/9