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4A Ch.5 Old places, games and transport vocabula ...

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What is this place? How big is it?
This place is a hut. It is small. It usually has one room.
What is this? What does it do?
This is a ferry. It carries/takes people from one place to another place by moving across the sea.
What is this? How does it work?
This is a rickshaw. It takes people from one place to another place when the driver/coolie walks.
What is this place? What do we do there?
This place is a wet market. We buy fresh meat, fruit, vegetables and other food there.
What is this place? What activities can we do there?
This place is a park. We can walk, jog, run or do exercise there. We may also go cycling and play badminton there.
What is this game? How do we play it?
This game is hopscotch. We can throw a little thing on the boxes one by one, hop on them and pick it up until we finish hopping on all boxes.
What is this game? How do we play it?
This game is hide-and-seek. We can find somewhere/a place to hide and let the friend find us.
What is this? What do we use it for?
This is a radio. We use it for listening to the news and shows.