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CFA 9-10

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Ways the South sought to limit the 15th amendment
Poll taxes, Literacy Tests, Grandfather Clauses
Black Codes
Laws denying most legal rights to newly freed slaves; passed by southern states following the Civil War, passed to limit effects of Reconstruction Ame...
Radical Reconstruction Plans
Confederates cannot obtain political positions, passed 14th Amendment
Abolitionist Movement evets
Quakers found Manumission society, William Lloyd Garisson publishes the LIberator, Frederick Douglass founds the North Star, Harriet Beecher Stowe pub...
Advantages of the Confederates
Better military leaders, knowledege of the area where most battles were fought
13th Amendment
Ends slavery
Fort Sumter
First battle of the Civil War, in which the federal fort in Charleston (South Carolina) Harbor was captured by the Confederates on April 14, 1861, aft...
Battle of Vicskburg Missisippi
Union gained control of the Mississippi River splitting the confederacy in 2.
Battle of Antietam
Bloodiest day in the Civil War, Happened in PA, Convinced Lincoln to pass emancipation Proclamation
Effect of Fugitive Slave Act
people in the North became abolitionists, people could capture escaped slaves in the North
Battles fought in the North
Antietam, Gettysburg
Ulysses S. Grant
Union General, commanded army of potomac
William Carney
Member of 54 Mass. Regiment. 1st black to received medal of honor for attack on Fort Wagner
Philip Bazaar
naval seaman from Chili who received the Congressional Medal of Honor during the Civil War
Abraham Lincoln
President of US issued emancipation proclamation
Effects of Emancipation Proclamation
-encouraged african slaves to fight -made union army stronger politically -focused on freedom for all
Compromises about slavery
Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act
Lower South
Cotton Plantations, Cotton was king
The North Star
antislavery newspaper published by Fredrick Douglass
Memphis Massacre
occured because of a lack of protection for African Americans rights during the Reconstruction period.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe that convinced Americans to become abolitionists and try to ban slavery
Lincoln hated the-
spread of slavery
Compromise of 1850
California free state, Territories can decide for themselves, Fugitive Slave Law
Reason for Missouri Compromise
Maintain equal balance of free and slave states
Two groups denied citizenship due to Dred Scott v. Sandford
Enslaved African Americans, Free Blacks
Gettysburg, PA
Turning point of the Civil War. Confederacy invades the North