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Whose divorce took effect in October 1973?
Elvis Presley's
When was Elvis Presley hospitalized from Demerol addiction?
In 1973
How many concerts did Elvis Presley do in 1973?
168 concerts
What year came Steven Spielberg's first TV job?
In 1969
What movie was offered to Steven Spielberg by Richard D. Zanuck and David Brown?
How much money did the Jaws movie make at worldwide box office?
More than $470 million
Who created the Pioneer plaque and the Voyager Golden Record records?
Carl Sagan and his colleagues
As an adult, what would Carl Sagan and his colleagues create?
What year did Carl Sagan's parents take him to the New York World's Fair?
In 1939
Who introduced complex, naturalistic characters into comic books?
Stan Lee
What was the first superhero group created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby?
The Fantastic Four
When did the DC Comics editor Julius Schwartz revived the superhero archetype?
In the late 1950's