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How to catch an Easter Bunny?

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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he changes from 2 feet tall to what?
small and gray
What does he go through in the door?
the lock
Who is the Easter bunny's friends in the story?
Where was the Easter Bunny's last stop?
his favorite kid
What season is Easter in?
How did he escape from the bunny tumbler 2.0?
through the window
What was hanging from the tree?
gold robot
Who was the story about?
Easter Bunny
How tall is the Easter Bunny?
2 feet tall
What came out of the dart gun?
flying fish and cherry yogurt pops
What color is the Easter Bunny's tie?
Did he ever get caught?
What is the bunny tumbler 2.0?
Bingo tumbler
What does the Easter Bunny leave behind?
What kind of ship did the Easter Bunny ride in?
pirate ship
Why did they pirates want to catch the Easter Bunny?
for his eggs and magic basket
What is supersonic on the Easter Bunny?
his ears
What kind of dance did the bunny do?
what was covered by the rug?
What vegetable was on the plate?
What was the first trap?
carrots on a plate under a box
What does EB mean?
Easter Bunny