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What is the difference between a Roman and a Greek sculpture?
Greek: Idealistic Roman: Realistic
Where did the Romans usually display their sculptures?
homes, places of work, public spaces and public buildings.
Which languages today are influenced by Latin?
English, French and Italian
Roman literature include _____________, _____________, _____________and _____________.
poems, speeches, histories and works of philosophy.
What was the main language used in Ancient Rome?
Sculptures of just a person's head.
Sculptures on tombs.
Large sculpture of a standing figure.
Full statue
Sculptures that were part of a wall.
List down four examples of Roman sculptures.
Full statue, bust, sarcophagus and relief.
What are the four types of Roman art?
sculptures, Paintings, Mosaics and images on pottery.
Provide one reason the Romans wanted to expand their empire.
The first Roman Emperor established a period known as Pax Romana. What does it mean?
Roman peace.
Why did the Senators assassinate Julius Caesar?
He was becoming too powerful and they did not want a king-like ruler.
Who founded the Roman Empire and became the first emperor?
Caesar Augustus
What is the name of the powerful Roman general who eventually became the dictator of Rome?
Julius Caesar.
Romans had their own names for various regions and countries. What did they call France?
How long did the war between the Carthage and Roman last?
100 years
The tribunes and assemblies were the top of the Roman government. True/ False
What are the jobs of the consuls elected by the people?
One consul led the government. The other consul was responsible for the army.
How many consuls will be elected every year?
What was the highest position in the government of the Roman Republic?
This ________________ were the common people of the Ancient Roman society.
The Plebeians made up the 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd level of the Roman's social pyramid?
Second level.
The ______________________ were at the top of Roman society.
The Ancient Roman society was divided into how many groups?
How was the Roman Republic different from when it was a Kingdom?
Instead of having one ruler, the people started to elect their leaders.
Why did the Romans rebel against the kings during the Roman Kingdom period?
Some of these kings were violent and cruel.
The Romans were ruled by kings from the _______________ tribe
Ancient Rome began as a Kingdom. How was Rome governed as a Kingdom?
A Roman Kingdom was ruled by a King.
Rome is the capital city of which country today?