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G8 NT School-Speaking test (8-10)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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11. 2 Make a PROMISE dialog according to the next accident: One boy has a bad cut on his hand and another one wants to help him.
 -I promise I’ll find the sterile dressing for you! -Hope so!
11.1 Make an OFFER dialog according to the next accident: One boy has a bad cut on his hand and another one wants to help him.
-Would you mind calling an ambulance for me? -No, I don’t mind!
11. Make a REQUEST dialog according to the next accident: One boy has a bad cut on his hand and another one wants to help him.
-Could you give me the bandage, please? -Yes, here you are!
10.2  How can you ask politely someone to lend you some money?
+Would you mind lending me some money? +Do you mind if lend me some money? +Would you mind if lent me some money?
10.1  How can you ask politely someone to smoke somewhere else ?
+Would you mind smoking somewhere else? +Do you mind if smoke somewhere else? +Would you mind if smoked somewhere else?
10. How can you ask politely someone to CLOSE THE WINDOW?
+Would you mind closing the window? +Do you mind if close the window? +Would you mind if closed the window?
9. What natural disasters do you know?
-I know such natural disasters as: typhoons, floods, droughts, earthquakes, tsunami, forest fires, tornadoes.
8. Who is the most important person in your life? Why?
-I am the most important person in my life. If I can’t love myself-I won’t be able to love someone else.
7.1Large opening of the land is...
7. Land between mountains or hills is...
6.10 A peace of paper where you can find all the information about your flight is...
boarding pass
6.9 The place in the airport to check a passport and visa is...
6.8 The place in airport to check the luggage is...
security check
6.7 What do you use to keep safe during the flight?
seat belt
6.6 What kinds of plane seats do you know?
window/ middle/ aisle seats
6.5 The cheapest kind of airline is...
low cost
6.4 An adjective to say the plane will not arrive on time is...
6.3 A synonym of "disembark " the plane is...
get off
6.2 A synonym of "get on" the plane
6.1 People who board on a plane are...
6. A part of the plane where pilots sit is...
5.6 To ask for some food or money on the street is...
to beg
5.5 Special part of the road for pedestrians crossing is...
zebra crossing
5.4 On foot participants of traffic are...
5.3 Special part of the road for buses only movement is...
bus lane
5.2 The bus uses electricity to move is...
5.1 The busiest time of the day is...
rush hour
5.In the UK we name it “underground” but in the US we name it…
4.4 What is desert?
-Desert is the land with only sand on it.
4.3 What is mountain/hill?
-Mountain/hill is high part of  the land.
4.2 What is river?
-River is water flows through the land.
4.1 What is lake?
-Lake is water with land all around it.
4.What is forest?
-Forest is land with a lot of trees and plants on it.
3.3 What’s the first aid in case of nose bleed?
1.tilt the head back 2. wait for the bleeding to stop
3.2 What’s the first aid in case of bee sting?
1.get the sting out
3.1 What’s the first aid in case of bad cut?
1.treat the wound 2.put sterile dressing on it
3. What’s the first aid in case of burn?
1. cool the burn 2. put the affected part under the cold tap 3.cover it with a ster. dressing
2.1 Name at least 5 I items we can buy at the pharmacy!
-At the pharmacy we can buy (face mask, bandage, sterile dressing, medicines, drugs, pills, eye drops).
2. Name at least 5 I items we can buy at the jewelry store!
-At the jewelry store we can buy (rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, watches, diamonds, gold, silver).
1. How long have you been studying English?
-I’ve been studying English for (8) years.