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G8 NT School-Speaking test (6-8)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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12. Where is the (train station)? (opposite, next to, between)
-The train station is on Main Street. It’s opposite the market, next to the post office and between the post office and the bus station.
11.6 High parts of the land are...
mountains or hills
11.5 Water with land all around it is...
11.4 Land with only sand on it is...
11.3 Land with a lot of trees and plants on it is...
11.2 Water, falling down from high parts of the land is...
water fall
11.1 Water flows through the land is...
11. Hard part of the Earth is...
10. Name at least 5 items we can buy at the stationary shop?
-We can buy (pen, pencil, chalk, folder, eraser) at the stationary shop.
9.6 Where can you buy medicine and drugs?
-I can buy medicines and drugs at the pharmacy.
9.5 Where can you buy bread?
-I can buy bread at the bakery.
9.4 Where can you buy meat?
-I can buy meat at the butcher shop.
9.3 Where can you buy books?
-I can buy books at the book store.
9.3 Where can you buy shoes?
-I can buy shoes at the shoe shop.
9.2 Where can you buy flowers?
-I can buy flowers at the flower shop.
9.1 Where can you buy fish and seafood?
-I can buy fish and seafood at the wet market.
9. Where can you buy everything for school and office?
-I can buy everything for school and office at the stationary shop.
8. If you could be any animal, which animal would you like to be?
-I would like to be a/an (eagle).
7. How often do you have (English)?
-I have (English) (once a week/ twice a week/ 3 times a week).
6. What country would you like to visit? Why? When will you make it?
-I would like to visit Switzerland, because I want to try winter kinds of sport. I will do it when I‘m (21).
5. What are you planning to do on your summer holidays?
I’m thinking of:   -a trip to…                 -spending time in my hometown -traveling abroad
4. What’s your after school activity on Friday?
-My after school activity on Friday is (swimming, playing badminton, cycling).
3. What job will you choose when you grow up?
-I’m going to be a/an (pilot, tailor, police officer) -I want to be a…. -I haven’t chosen yet.
2. How many people are there in your family? Who are they?
-There are (5) people in my family and they are: mom, dad, brother, granny and me.
1. What do you usually have for a breakfast?
-I usually have (sandwich, apple, banh mi) for my breakfast.