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G8/G6 NT/HVN Schools- Speaking test (4-6)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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11.2 What day will be tomorrow? (day of the week)
-Tomorrow will be (Wednesday).
11.1 What day was yesterday? (day of the week)
-Yesterday was (Monday).
11.What day is today?                (day of the week)
-Today is (Tuesday).
10. What sport do you like?
-I like/ love/ enjoy (badminton).
9. What subject do you need to improve?
-I need to improve (English).
8. When do you have (English)?
-I have (English) on (Monday and Wednesday)
7. What’s your favorite school subject?
-I like/ love/ enjoy (English, math…) -My favorite school subject is (English, math)
6. What’s your favorite food?
-My favorite food is (Pho Bo, Bun Bo Hue…).
5. What do you do?
-I’m a student
4. Where are you from?
-I'm from Vietnam (HCMC).
3. How old are you?
-I'm (14) years old.
2. How are you feeling today?
-I feel (good)/I'm (ok)
1. What’s your name? Could you spell it?
My name is (Dima). It's spelled (D-I-M-A)