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Global Perspectives: Challenge 5

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How long does a plastic bottle take to break down?
Plastic takes an extremely long time to decompose. A plastic bottle can last for up to 500 years.
If plastic is so bad, why do we use it?
Plastic is versatile and cheap to make, so it is used to make lots of things.
How does plastic harm animals?
Animals sometimes mistake plastic for food and this can lead to health problems and death. Animals also get trapped in plastic waste and may die.
Why is plastic so harmful for the environment?
Plastic is not biodegradable. It breaks down into micro and nano plastics which could be eaten, drank or even breathed in and this could be toxic.
How is pollution and packaging related?
Packaging that is not biodegradable can be harmful to the environment and the animals that live there
What is pollution?
Pollution is when chemicals, gases, smoke or other harmful materials damage the environment.
What can we do with packaging that is non-biodegradable?
We could recycle it or reuse it if possible.
Is an apple peel biodegradable?
YES! It breaks down naturally and decomposes in around 2 weeks.
Is tin biodegradable?
NO! It could take 200-500 years! It is best to recycle tin packaging.
What does biodegrade mean?
It means that something can naturally breakdown and return to nature without having a harmful impact on the environment
What does decompose mean?
When living things can break down after they pass their use by date or die. They become become rotten and decay
What happens to packaging after we throw it away?
Most trash and packaging is sent to a landfill, where is is buried
How does a products packaging help sell it?
It's design, colour and shape of the package makes the product look good and this helps to market and sell the product
What is the third level of packaging and what does it do?
Transportation. It helps to protect products when they are being shipped to different places
What is secondary packaging?
It is another next layer of protection covers the product
What is primary packaging?
It is the product’s first container that protects the goods from germs.
How many types of packaging are there?
What is packaging?
Packaging covers a product that you buy. It is designed as a container or wrapper to protect the sold goods.