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Rocks and Rock cycle
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rocks that breaks apart easily and are formed near water
sedimentary rock
Type of weathering that changes the chemical composition of rocks
chemical weathering
what type of rock is shown?
what type of rock is shown?
what type of rock is shown?
Erosion and weathering can take many___________ to occur.
What does metamorphic mean?
going through a change
what type of weathering physically breaks down rocks?
mechanical weathering
what type of rock are sandstone and limestone?
What type of rock are granite, basalt, and pumice?
3 facts about metamorphic rock
crystal like. shiny, ribbon like layers, under surface of the earth, formed from intense & pressure
3 facts about igneous rocks
contain tiny holes/spaces, form above and below ground, formed from cooled lava
3 types of sediment in sedimentary rock
pebbles, gravel, sand, silt, shells
the process where wind, rain, and animals MOVE rocks
the process where wind, rain, and heat BREAK down rocks
rocks formed when the lava from volcanoes cools down
the process where rocks change from 1 form of another
rock cycle
rocks formed from weathering and erosion
rocks formed from extreme heat and pressure
soil that has small grains and is reddish in color