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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many chicks can you see?
How many bunnies can you see?
How many easter eggs can you see?
I'm the most important meal on Easter Sunday morning.
Easter breakfast
Do you like Easter? Why?
What season is Easter in?
What easter traditions does your family have?
student's answer
What day of the week is Easter celebrated?
True or False: A rabbits teeth never stop growing
What two months can Easter happen in?
March or April
Riddle: What is it? It is a green plant. One of the symbol of Easter
a palm
Riddle: What is it? It is a grey, white or black animal. It has got long ears and a fluffy tail
a bunny/a rabbit
Riddle: What is it? It is a baby hen.
a chick
Riddle: What is it? It is a small baby sheep?
a lamb
What is it?
it's Easter
What is it?
it's a palm
What is it?
it's a chocolate bunny
Who is it?
Jesus Christ
What is it?
it's a cross
What is it?
it's Easter Monday
What is it?
it's easter eggs hunt
What is it?
it's an easter basket
What are they?
they're flowers
What is it?
it's the cress
What is it?
it's a chick
What is it?
it's a lamb
what it it?
it's a bunny
What are they?
they're Easter eggs
What are they?
they're eggs