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EF inter plus Units 5&6 review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I've lost one of the nails / screws from my glasses.
Do you have a needle and string / thread?
I can't see anything. Pass me the torch / penknife.
I'm not tall enough - do you have a hammer / ladder?
4 to take fruit from the plant where they are growing
3 an area of low land between hills or mountains
2 a small, narrow river
1 trees grow these in spring and lose them in autumn
Have you seen the weather f___ for tomorrow?
weather forecast
Can you t______ the TV up? I can't hear it.
5 mug cup glass saucer
3 rope drill hammer screwdriver 4 knife fork tray spoon
3. rope 4. tray
1 sheep cow barn hen 2 sitcom documentary episode reality show
1. barn 2.episode
The exam was hard, but I ___pass. a was able to b could c could to
a was able to
She__ to come to the party. a might not can b might not be able c might not
b might not be able
When we're on holiday,__ go swimming every day. a we'll can b we'll be able to c we'll be able
b we'll be able to
She thinks I____ sell my car. a need b ought c should
c should
You ___pay me back till next week. a needn't b don't need c don't have
a needn't
I didn't have any screws, so I___ use nails instead. a had to b must to c must
a had to
You__ come shopping if you don't have time. a mustn't b don't have to c needn't to
b don't have to
The fields are wet.____ recently. a It's raining a lot b It rains a lot c It's been raining a lot
c It's been raining a lot
How long _____ to your family? a is this farm belonging b has this farm been belonging c has this farm belonged
c has this farm belonged
Where have you been?__ here since 7.00! a I'm waiting b I've been waiting c I've waited
b I've been waiting
She's worked here ____. a for two months b two months ago c since two months
a for two months
Shall I make some photocopies? B No, it's OK-____ them. a I already did b I already have done c I've already done
c I've already done
We've never been to Madrid, but _____ to Barcelona last year. a we went b we've been c we've gone
a we went
A What's this programme? B I don't know. I've ____turned it on. a already b just c yet