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Energy Sources Overview

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The light energy that is given off by the bulb is the input/output energy.
output energy
The energy in the batteries of the flashlight is the input/output energy
What are the sources of heat?
the sun, electrical appliances, burning wood, eating food and friction
What are sources of light?
the sun, stars, candles, ....
What energy is this?
nulear energy
What energy is this?
hydro energy
What energy is this?
solar energy
We are reducing the use of ___ because it is not safe.
A good place to change ___ to energy is near the sea.
They are putting solar panels on the roof of the building to produce _____.
solar energy
When energy comes from ____, we call it hydro energy.
Burning coal is polluting our e_______.
'Renewable' means we can e____ re____ the energy.
easily replace
We cannot run out of _____ energy.
renewable energy
What do we call the energy from wind?
Wind energy
List some renewable energy.
The energy comes from the sun, wind and water
Energy is the ____ that we use to provide us with ___, ___, or electricity.
power/ light/ heat