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True or False about Gender Equality

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The rate of women in Viet Nam participating in the workforce is higher than that of global average
True. That percentage in Vietnam is 62,5%, while that of global average is 56%
There is no men in the world fighting for gender equality.
False. There are a lot of men fighting for gender equality, for both men and women's rights.
Nearly a third of jobseekers would not apply to a company lacking in gender diversity
Technology plays no role in reaching gender equality
False. Technology plays an extremely vital part in supporting people on rural areas or developing countries to approach knowledge and higher quality of care
Men spends more times on checking out in the mirror than women
True. Men do it 23 times while women spends 16 times.
Nearly 1 in 5 women aged 20-24 were married before turning 18
True, according to the UN report
The US has achieved gender equality.
False. No country in the world is on track to achieve gender equality by 2030.
Girls do less sport than boys