Edit Game
EF elementary review Units 5-6

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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3 autumn season spring winter 4 first seven third twelfth
season / seven
1 cloudy fog sunny windy 2 cold shine snow rain
fog / cold
Their wedding is ___2nd March.
My birthday's___ July.
I'm coming! Wait ___me!
I need to talk___ the doctor.
I can't find the keys. Can you look ___them?
She goes to bed _____about 11 o'clock.
Complete. A noise, a musical instrument, a present for your mother, somebody a secret, a party, a photo, a marathon, a taxi, the tango
make / play / buy / tell / go to / take / run / call / dance
What time ____she usually go to bed? a do b is c does
c does
What song____ listening to? a are you b do you c you are
a are you
A ___ hungry? B Yes. What's for dinner? a Do you b Have you c Are you
c Are you
I don't mind______ early. a get up b getting up c to get up
b getting up
Do you like_____ housework? a doing b do c making
a doing
Is your sister at home? I need to speak to_____ . a him b she c her
c her
Our son always phones ___everyday. a we b us c our
b us
A What_____ ? B I'm a nurse. a are you doing b do you do c do you
b do you do
The museum___ at 2.00 on Mondays. a closes b is closing c close
a closes
The sun____ ! Let's go for a walk. a shine b shines c is shining
c is shining
A What ____ doing? B I'm studying for an exam. a are you b do you c you are
a are you
The weather is cold, but ______raining. a it doesn't b it isn't c it not
b it isn't
A What's that noise? B ____ a party upstairs. a They having b They're having c They're have
b They're having
___ come tonight? a Do you can b You can c Can you
c Can you
She _______ the piano. a can play b can to play c cans play
a can play