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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Find the odd one out: A. Either B. Neither C. Teeth D. Another
C. Teeth
Find the odd one out: A. Birthday B. Truth C. Their D. Thief
C. Their
Find the odd one out: A. This B. Authority C. Nothing D. North
A. This
Find the odd one out: A. Something B. These C. Leather D. Breathe
A. Something
Find the odd one out: A. Author B. Thousand C. Mouth D. Other
D. Other
Find the odd one out: A. Think B. Health C. Wealthy D. Than
D. Than
Find the odd one out: A. Thief B. Together C. Weather D. Father
A. Thief
Find the odd one out: A. Breathe B. Bathe C. Clothing D. Mouth
D. Mouth
No, I definitely wouldn't. My name is part of my identity now, and it would feel strange to suddenly change it. I don't /θɪŋk/ my friends and family would like it /ˈiː.ðər/.
think, either
To be honest, I'm not sure how _ _ey chose it; I've never asked them. I suppose it was just a name that _ _ey bo_ _ liked, and maybe _ _ey _ _ought it suited me.
they, they, both, they, thought
Which words contain the sound /θ/? "They love going to every country on the Earth and traveling together monthly. For the two of them, there is nothing better than their friendship."
Earth, monthly, nothing
Which words contain the sound /θ/? "Everybody who met them thought they were sisters. They always tell the truth and anything important to each other. "
thought, truth, anything
Which words contain the sound /θ/? "Their birthdays are on the same day and they always celebrated with each other. They share the same thinking and love the same authors. "
birthday, with, thinking, authors
Which words contain the sound /θ/? "Martha and Dorothy are best friends. They have faith in each other and also sympathy."
Martha, Dorothy, faith, sympathy
Which of these words contains the sound /ð/: leather, neither, birthday, breathe, turtle
Leather, Neither, Breathe
Which of these words contains the sound /ð/: south, computer, mother, without, bathe
Mother, Without, Bathe
Which of these words contains the sound /ð/: this, together, mountain, than, likely
This, Together, Than