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The One and Only Ivan

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What point of view is "The One and Only Ivan" told in and who is the narrator?
2st PoV Ivan
Why is the stuffed gorilla called Not-Tag?
Because that was Ivan's sister's name.
What is the name of the stray dog?
What is the name of Ivan's stuffed gorilla?
What is the name of George's daughter?
What is Ivan's favorite activity?
Painting and drawing.
What problem does Ivan have with the Billboard?
He is never angry.
What kind of television show did Ivan like best?
What does Ivan have in his domain?
A TV, a stuffed toy gorilla and a tire swing.
What is Ivan's domain made of?
Thick glass, rusty metal, and rough cement.
Which type of great ape does Ivan hate?
Is One and Only Ivan based on a true story? True or false
Where did Ivan live?
Big Top Mall and Video Arcade
What did Ivan throw at the kids?
Who are Ivan's best friends at the Big Top Mall?
Bob and Stella
Why does Ivan never get angry?
A silverbacks only use angry to protect and he has no one to protect.
What happened to most of Ivan's drawings?
They were sold at the gift shop.
Who is the owner of the mall?
Where does Bob sleep?
On Ivan's stomach.
Ivan's domain is his...