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Introduction, habitats, deserts

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An inhabitant of a desert, has a skin like a dragon but not dangerous for people
A big bird that doesn't fly
Describe okapis
They have big ears and long tongues; they can hear leopards from long distance.
name 3 animals of tropical rainforests
gorillas, chimpanzees and leopards
Who can run faster than lions?
Name three animals of grasslands
Leopards, cheetahs, lions
In grasslands what is longer a dry season or a rainy season?
Name 3 animals living in a desert
A habitat which is warm and bright
Describe a jerboa (animal)
2 short legs, 2 long legs, a tail
You can sleep in it when in a desert
Describe grasslands
Lots of grass, some trees, two seasons dry and rainy
Describe a desert
Dry, hot area, plants are small, animals are nocturnal, almost no precipitation
A spiky plant of a desert