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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I couldn't believe he would b__ on me after I had helped him so much. It's so unfair.
bail on me
Paraphrase making the meaning opposite. I'm really into serial killer documentaries. They give me goosebumps. (c... s.....))
I can't stand serial killer documentaries. They give me goosebumps
Paraphrase the sentence. My boyfriend is trying to persuade me to whip him. (c.....)
to convince
An unwanted third party accompanying two people on a date (a t.....w.....)
a third wheel
Her dog is named a_______ a character from a book.Mumu
named after
a situation in which you make love with someone once and you do not continue in a relationship afterwards (a o.... -n.....s....))
one-night stand
Complete the sentence. She sells seashells on the s.......
she sells seashells on the seashore
The court case lasted for days before the judge was finally able to c___ to a conclusion. He was accused of murdering an elderly woman with an axe.
come to a conclusion
Listening to music is a simple yet effective way to r_______ your emotional battery and boost your mood.
Choose the right option. Beside/Besides work, I like to spend my free time hiking in the mountains.
Choose the right option. The cat sat beside/besides the dog on the couch.
To lose your job due to bad performance (to be s...../ to be f.....)
to be sacked / to be fired
Make one sentence out of two. She decided to go to the gym. She wanted to get fit.
She decided to go to the gym in order to get fit
Choose the right option. I'm not sure about the amount/number of guests coming to the funeral. He was a nasty piece of work.
number of
Choose the right word. I need to measure the amount/number of flour for this recipe.
amount of
I've just finished reading 1948. This book is an e......... because it reveals so much about our society.
an eye-opener
A well-written story will have a clear and engaging p____.
What's in the picture?
A queue
to decide not to do, change, or deal with something now, but to leave it until later (to p....... smth o..... h.....))
to put smth on hold
Paraphrase. Nikita is crazy about licking women's feet. (be o.......w.....)
Nikita is obsessed with licking women's feet.