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Romeo and Juliet Review

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Who ends up explaining most of the story to the Prince?
Friar Laurence
As soon as Romeo hears that Juliet has died, what does he do?
He buys poison to kill himself.
After Juiiet agrees to marry Paris, how does her father manage to mess up her plan?
He moves the wedding from Thursday to Wednesday.
Why was Friar John unable to deliver Friar Laurence's letter to Romeo?
He got quarantined in a house with the plague.
Who tells Romeo that Juliet is dead?
Six people die in this play; name 5.
Mercutio, Tybalt, Paris, Romeo, Juliet, and Lady Montague
What is Romeo's punishment for killing Tybalt?
What two characters are part of the nobility (Prince's family)?
Mercutio and Paris
Who believes Romeo is too lovesick to fight and challenges Tybalt on Romeo's behalf?
At the end of Act 2, what three people (other than R & J) know they got married?
Nurse, Friar Laurence, and Balthasar
What message should Benvolio and Mercutio have given Romeo the first time they saw him on Monday?
Tybalt had sent a challenge to his house.
Friar Laurence says he will not marry Romeo and Juliet at first. What changes his mind?
It might end the feud.
What does "Wherefore art thou Romeo" mean?
Why does your name have to be Romeo?
After the party, Romeo ditches his friends. What do they think he's doing?
walking and moaning about Rosaline not loving him
Why is Lady Capulet so anxious to have Juliet marry Paris?
She wants Juliet to be part of the nobility, and then they'd be ahead of the Montagues.
Why does Benvolio think it's a good idea to go to the party?
He wants Romeo to see Rosaline beside other girls, so he can see she's not the only girl there is.
How do Romeo and Benvolio get invited to the Capulet party?
An illiterate servant has Romeo read him the guest list, and then the servant invites them.
Why is Romeo so sad at the beginning of the play?
He is infatuated with Rosaline, and she rejected him.
How does Romeo feel about the feud?
He hates it, and thinks it is stupid.
How does the Prince respond to the third Capulet & Montague fight in the streets?
Passes a law that if you fight, you die.
What is the setting of the play?
1200's, Verona, Italy