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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How can you prepare for your upcoming period?
carry pads/tampons in bag, carry advil with you, avoid wearing white, put together a kit/pouch, carry plastic bag, have a change of clothes in bag
signs your period is about to start
feel bloated, irritable, moody, tired, low energy, have cramps, back ache, pimples, sore/tender breasts, cravings, light bleeding
How long does a period usually last?
5-6 days
name some physical changes during puberty
taller, pimples, breasts grow, body hair, getting period
How shouldnt our clothes look?
Dirty, stained, wrinkly, too big, too small, sloppy, holes or rips
How should your clothes look?
clean, wrinkle free, not to big/small, neat and tidy
what would you wear during summer weather
tshirt/tank top, shorts or light pants, sundress, sunglasses, sunscreen, flip flops, sandals or running shoes
What would you wearing during spring weather?
Pants, tshirt/light long sleeve, sweater/sweatshirt, running shoes, hat or sunglasses if sunny, umbrella, raincoat and rainboots if raining
what would you wear during winter?
Heavy boots, Thick winter Jacket, mittens/gloves, scarf, hat
what are some clothing options for Fall in Toronto
pants, sweater/sweatshirt, scarf, light hat, closed toe shoes/light boots, light jacket
Why might you wear a bra?
providing comfort, avoiding back or neck pain, avoiding sweating or rubbing, lifting and shaping
what are some different ways you can style your hair
pony tail, braiding, curling, straightening, extensions, dreadlocks, pig tails
What are some types of Exercise?
sports, lifting weights, walking, running, aerobics, yoga, dancing, swimming
Why might you use deoderant?
smell good, sweat less
Why is it important to take care of your teeth?
healthy teeth & gums, avoiding pain from cavities, beautiful smile, fresh breath, strong teeth
Public or private: watching tv
Public or Private: changing your clothes
Public or private: eating a sandwich
Private or public: Taking a shower
What are considered private body parts?
who is in the middle of your privacy circle?
purple = Me
What activities are appropriate for strangers?
There are no Appropriate activities for strangers
who might fall into your family circle?
people closest to you (parents, caregievers, grandparents, siblings etc.)