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Magical World of Choices

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was Black Beard’s fate after getting caught?
His head was cut off and stuck on a pole.
You are trying to do work in the library. A bunch of students are making a lot of noise and distracting you. What should you do?
Go over to the students and say, “Hey guys, would you mind being a little more quiet? I’m trying to work over there and I need to focus. TY!
What year was it when George Washington was 5?
A student keeps picking on you every day. He won’t stop even when you ask him to. What do you do?
Tell your teacher/tell your counselor/tell the principal or vice principal
What is King Tut’s real name?
Your teacher is teaching a lesson and calls on you, but you didn’t hear the question. What should you do?
Say, “I missed the question, can you repeat it?”
A group of students in your class are playing a game that looks interesting to you. What could you say to join in on the game?
Hey, can I play the game with you guys? It looks interesting.
William Shakespeare was the son of a father who had what job?
A glove maker
Benjamin Franklin worked on the Declaration of Independence with who?
Thomas Jefferson
After being out of class for some time, you walk back in. What is one strategy you could use to figure out what is going on in your class?
Ask your teacher what the class is doing, STOP and Read the Room (S-space, T-time, O-objects, P-people)
What type of job did Albert Einstein have?
Patent Clerk
What diet did Mahatma Gandhi prefer?
You need a break in class. What do you say to your teacher?
Excuse me, Ms. Pumpkin, I need a break. I’m feeling tired.
How would you order a meal at a restaurant?
Can I please have a turkey sandwich, french fries, and a lemonade. Thank you.
When Joan of Arc was 13, she was believed she was visited by who?
Your teacher, Ms. Pumpkin, asks you to stop what you’re doing and take out your math book. You really want to keep doing what you’re doing. What is a flexible thinking strategy you could use?
Accept the change or make a compromise: venn diagram compromise, pause button sticky note, use a timer