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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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dentist / did / to / a / you / when / last / go /?
When did you last go to a dentist?
I seem (have) good luck with the weather when I go on holiday. It never rains!
to have
Translate: Я знаю его с первого года в университете.
I've known him since our first year at university.
We_______ in love the first time we saw each other.
Translate: Ева едет в Австралию на следующе неделе. Она уже купила билеты.
Eve is going to Australia next month. She has already bought tickets.
What are your plans for the weekend? (You/do) anything nice?
Are you doing
Translate: Вам следует узнать друг друга лучше, а потом делать предложение.
You should get to know each other better, and then propose.
1) I need (get up early), so 'm going to bed now. 2) We usually avoid (drive) at this time because of all the traffic. 3) She loves (shop) for clothes.
1) to 2) driving 3) shopping
What is it: "a performance given by musicians or singers"
Give some advice: - I feel bad. I think I've got high temperature. - _________you go home?
Why don't you...
Замените фразу в скобочках так, чтобы смысл предложения не изменился: She doesn't [have a friendly relationship] with my mum.
get on well
Name things you: a) can't stand doing b) avoid doing c) keen on doing d) don't mind doing