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CFA 9-10

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The North Star
antislavery newspaper published by Fredrick Douglass
Memphis Massacre
occured because of a lack of protection for African Americans rights during the Reconstruction period.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe that convinced Americans to become abolitionists and try to ban slavery
Goals of Reconstruction Act of 1867
Protect African Americans, New State Constitutions for Confederate states
Lincoln hated the-
spread of slavery
Compromise of 1850
California free state, Territories can decide for themselves, Fugitive Slave Law
Reason for Missouri Compromise
Maintain equal balance of free and slave states
Two groups denied citizenship due to Dred Scott v. Sandford
Enslaved African Americans, Free Blacks
14th Amendment
granted citizenship to African Americans, all people are to receive equal treatment, passed during Reconstruction era.
Gettysburg, PA
Turning point of the Civil War. Confederacy invades the North