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ESOL End of March Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sarah danced all night. She was tired all morning.
"She' means "Sarah"
"She" means "all night"
"She" means "danced"
The bear put on the new hat. He liked it.
"it" means "the hat"
"it" means "the bear"
"it" means "put on"
A Queens Library card is:
free for everybody.
free for U.S. citizens only
costs $5 dollars
lasts only a year
Which is correct?
I do, he does, she does, it does, we do, you do, they do
I does, he do, she do, it do, we does, you does, they does
I do, he do, she do, it do, we does, you do, they do
I does, he do, she does, it do, we do, you does, they do
Which of these is NOT an imperative?
I crossed the street.
Cross the street.
Go straight.
Turn left at the corner.
The building is:
on the corner of the streets.
between the streets.
across from the streets.
The bridge is;
between the two buildings
next to the two buildings
across from the two buildings
The houses are:
next to each other
across from each other
between each other
This means:
turn right
turn left
go straight
across from
This means:
turn left
turn right
go two blocks
across from
What is this?
hardware store
apartment building
police station
What is this?
Department of Motor Vehicles
apartment building
police station
day care center
What is this?
day care center
senior center
grocery store
What is this?
senior center
day care center
Grocery Store
What is this?